Everything You Need To Know About OEM Collision Repair Procedures
Collision repair specialists should always adhere to manufacturer guidelines when repairing vehicles. With new features and technologies making their way into today’s vehicles, OEM collision repair procedures are always changing. This stresses the need for automotive repair professionals to stay on top of current developments and emerging changes.
At Formula 1 Collision Center, we provide reliable collision repair in Tucson, AZ, and are always learning about the newest OEM collision repair methods to provide the safest, most dependable vehicles for clients. Call us at (520) 369-4291 to schedule a service or learn more.
The Importance of Liability
Motor vehicle crashes from faulty repairs means that the person or shop that completed the work is liable for damages and injuries. Therefore, it’s especially important to perform repairs by the book and according to the most up-to-date information manufacturers provide. Cutting corners can lead to serious consequences, as many automotive repair professionals are familiar with due to the famous John Eagle case.
Vehicle Sophistication Causes Repairs to Evolve
It’s no secret that vehicles are becoming more sophisticated by the day. For example, high-strength steels became popular in the 2000s but have transitioned into even more durable products and vehicle requirements. You’ll find more vehicles than ever before with ADAS technology.
Due to these new developments, it’s in the best interest of auto body shops to stay in the loop.
Stay Current or Pay the Price
Reputable and responsible shops will have access to current repair manuals and ensure employees are reading as new developments are. This helps verify that OEM collision repair procedures aren’t outdated, unsafe, or not going to achieve the desired results.
A shop should check its manuals to verify that each repair plan isn’t a few months or years behind. This could have detrimental consequences and put the credibility of the business at risk if clients are receiving outdated work from an auto body shop they count on to help them. No automotive mechanic wants to spend a day in court defending themselves because they failed to follow appropriate procedures for OEM collision repairs.
Document the Repair Process
When following each repair step, collision service professionals should carefully record their process. They can note what they did for every step and any materials utilized. Additionally, they may also note which manual they referenced as a way to support they did things correctly.
While this may seem tedious and time-consuming, taking some simple notes can protect an automotive shop. It shows they care about the quality of the work they complete and listen to manufacturers, never taking the “easy” way out to complete repairs faster.
Learn More About Collision Repair and Auto Body Shop Topics with Formula 1 Collision Center
We hope you now have a better understanding of some of the most current OEM collision repair procedures. At Formula 1 Collision Center, we provide collision repair, auto body refinishing, and more, offering helpful blog posts on topics like avoiding head-on collision accidents. Contact us today to schedule a service appointment at our auto body shop in Tucson, Arizona, by calling (520) 369-4291.